As the genre of our film is drama, we thought that it would be best that we keep within the genre and find some music to suit this.
When beginning this process, I thought of drama films that I had already seen and the type of music that was used in them. For example, 'Adulthood' had quite dramatic harsh music to portray how the character felt and to show the themes (see below).

The genre of grime music was used in the 'Adulthood' film and it acted as a link to the themes of youth in the film and it linked with the characters and storyline very well. This is what I aim to do with my music choice.
The other genre that I looked at was R&B. This is quite effective as well as the lyrics are meaningful compared to genres such as rap, and the beat can also make a difference and add character to the film. However, as we wanted to use the track in the background of our film, we felt that it would be best if we chose a song without lyrics.

Here is another example of music from a drama film:


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